We Love Crepes Recipe

As you can assume by the title of this post, we love crepes. We loved them before, but we found additional admiration for them during our European vacation. We ate them often on our trip. It’s not that we don’t have crepes here in the states, we just don’t eat out often and I can’t …

2015 European Vacation

Farmer John is a farmer at heart and home, but his day job is a 9-5. He had meetings in Germany for a week. The stars aligned and the kids & I were able to go with him. We book ended Germany with short stays in Italy and France.  

Exploring Paris: Day 2

There are so many intriguing places to visit in Paris. We narrowed it down to a few must-do’s, put on our walkin’ shoes, and headed out for the day. We squeezed as much as we possibly could into our last day of vacation. First stop… Notre Dame Cathedral.  

Black Copper Marans

We have had Black Copper Marans for a few years. They are not my favorite breed. However, they do have a place in our flock. We breed our Marans based on the French standard, as well as the APA, which means they have feathered shanks and toes.

Christmas Around the World – Week 1

For three weeks we will be learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. We are studying three countries each week. This first week we learned about Finland, France, and Australia. Much of the information for this unit was found on Homeschool Share. I also checked out many books from the library & searched …