Bloom Day – December 2012

Dec 2012 Bloom Day title

Today is Garden Bloggers Bloom Day & it’s a snowy one.
In anticipation for this month’s bloom day, Thursday I snapped of few pics of what’s happening outside.


Dec 2012 Bloom Day side yard
Left: There is a lot of this outside. Browning, yellowish dying leaves. Right: I looked for something, anything, in bloom. I found nothing. But, I did find a few plants & trees with buds.



Dec 2012 Bloom Day front yard
Most of my flowerbeds have at least a couple evergreens, which are a nice sight in the winter.


Dec 2012 Bloom Day pond1 back yard



Dec 2012 Bloom Day bird village
Left: The bamboo is looking well. Right: Red berries are on a holly bush.

This is not the most exciting bloom day post, but it is fun to see how the gardens change through the seasons. I’m guessing January is going to be about as exciting as today’s bloom day. And, hopefully by February a few bulbs will start showing off.

I’m sharing this post at May Dreams Gardens.