Ridgetop Farm and Garden | Recipe | Mint Simple Syrup

Mint simple syrup is an easy way to enjoy all that mint growing like crazy over the summer.

We have an obnoxious amount of mint. They aren’t kidding when people tell you to keep it in pots.

Originally I was so happy with how well mint grows. When we bought bare property one of the first things I did was create flowerbeds. I wanted quick growing, cheap plants to add to the beds while I waited for the foundation plants to grow to their full size. Mint grew so well, I transplanted some here and there. Soon I had it everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

Slowly but surely I’m getting rid of the mint. My goal is to only have it grow around our main chicken coop. I have read mint keeps mice away. I don’t know how much truth there is to that. But, for us, it’s a good place to have our mint plants anyway. It’s away from my flowerbeds and the chickens can eat the herb when it grows close enough to their run. We don’t happen to have a mouse problem in the coop. I really don’t know if it’s because of the mint or if the chickens enjoy a mousey meal when one scurries nearby.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | Recipe | Mint Simple Syrup


One of my favorite methods to use up all the mint is making a flavored simple syrup. It really is simple to make. It’s quick and requires only basic ingredients.



Equal parts:
• water
• sugar
• fresh mint leaves



Pick mint from your garden or grab a bunch at the store or farmer’s market. If you wait too long to harvest your mint and it has flowered, like I have done a time or two, chop the flower off. I feed the flowers to our chickens.

Give the mint a quick rinse.

Pull the leaves off the stems. If you want, you can coursely chop the leaves. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | Recipe | Mint Simple Syrup



Add the water and sugar to a pot or saucepan. Over medium high heat, bring water to boil. Stir sugar until dissolved.

Just as the water starts to boil, add mint leaves.

Place a lid on the pot, reduce heat, and simmer about 10 minutes.

Remove from heat.

Strain syrup into a jar. Keep the leaves in the sieve/strainer, but give them a smoosh to get out the last of the liquid minty goodness.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | Recipe | Mint Simple Syrup



I can several jars at a time in a hot water bath.

You can also store in air tight container for a couple weeks in the fridge.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | Recipe | Mint Simple Syrup



The syrup can be used in a number of culinary ways. However, I always use it for summertime drinks, both kid friendly and adult versions.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | Recipe | Mint Simple Syrup



Also, check out our other site for a how to on making mojito cream jello shots using the mint simple syrup