Around the Farm and Garden – January 2014

Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Weather & Flowerbeds

Except for the freezing weather at the beginning of December, we’ve had a very mild winter unlike much of the U.S. It hasn’t even rained as much as usual.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Many mornings we wake to a bit of frost and ice in the pond, but that’s about it for our chilly days.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Even with the mild weather, I still haven’t found much time to get out & do winter maintenance on the flowerbeds. Darn it! And, my spring bulbs are already starting to poke through.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


I did move a rotting log out of one of the flowerbeds and found a pile of slug eggs. Slugs have a job to do, but they eat way too many flowers, plants & veggies for me to be a fan of them.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Chicken Keeping

Unfortunately, we had a chicken get nabbed in broad daylight by a bobcat.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Our newest chicken.
He’s in quarantine for a couple weeks to make sure he doesn’t have any diseases that might spread to the rest of our flock.

Brad Pitt, our RIR rooster died this month. We’re not sure why. As luck would have it, though, a kid in town needed to get rid of his 10 month old cockerel. So, we took him & now have a new blood line for our RIR babies. I’m thinking the new guy’s name should be Brad Pitt 2.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


We sold the last of our Blue Marans that hatched last spring.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


One of the coops needed a little repair work.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Farm Kid2 helped Farmer John clean the coop with his 4-H chickens.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


We rearranged many of the chickens, changing which coop they are in & sometimes which rooster they are with.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


The ladies have been on such a weird laying pattern. Or really, it’s a lack of pattern. Some weeks they are laying well & some weeks not as well.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


The ducks took a laying break for a few months, but now they’re back at it.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


We put our first batch of eggs this year in the incubator. I’m only expecting about half of these to start developing, but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Some of the eggs got quite cold & some are from chickens that just started laying. So, we will have to wait & see.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Growing Food

Farmer John’s trying out a new method of starting seeds – a heated germination pad.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


The greenhouse is finally being built!!!
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Farmer John brought home 3 275 gallon food grade totes. We will use them for our new aquaponics system. I can’t wait to try it!
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


Good Ol’ Country Living

This is my favorite photo from this month. It says so much about our family.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | January 2014 Update


It’s been an uneventful, yet busy first month of the year. I’m excited to see which direction our chicken raising business goes & to try out all our new ways to grow food.