Ridgetop Farm and Garden | 2016 Update | Week 32

Already well in to Augsut and here’s what going on:

• Tilapia feeding time
• An Easter Egger has decided to sit on eggs in the goat house.
• There is a cucumber growing in the herb barrel that I didn’t plant. Weird. It’s doing well, so I’m leaving it.
• Farmer John made me a hall table out of an old closet door. I love it! It holds cookbooks and cookie cutters.
• White leghorns are one of my favorite breeds for egg laying. They don’t eat a ton, and not too much disrupts their laying.
• A deer and our goat, Sven, ate dinner together one evening. Neither one seemed bothered by the other.
• For the first time I harvested mint to make mint extract. It’s sitting nicely in the cupboard for awhile. Hopefully it turns out as good as my friend’s did.
• I’m also making calendula oil for the first time. I love the calendula flower and I’m excited to turn it into a salve or soap.
• Farmer John picked peaches at a local orchard and canned them. He would have liked to have canned more, but he ran out of time.

Ridgetop Farm and Garden | 2016 Update | Week 32