Ridgetop Farm and Garden | 2016 Update | Week 38

• We’ve had a crazy busy schedule the last couple weeks. Part of it is getting adjusted to school days, on top of activities for the kids. But also, Farm Kid1 had pneumonia. Then right as he was recovering from that, he dislocated his knee. Now he hobbles around and has 6ish weeks of physical therapy. Farm Girl got sick right around this same time. She had a high fever off and on for a week. She spent a lot of time cuddling with our dog.

In other news:
• Farmer John is working on phase one of a lean-to against the shop. He flattened the area and had a load of gravel poured.
• I’ve been waiting all summer for the morning glories to bloom in one of the herb barrels. Finally, they are making an appearance.
• In the taco garden, a couple cayenne peppers are ready to pick.
• It’s difficult to see, but there is a bird on the Roots & Shoots sign. The Golden-crowned Sparrows have returned.
• Early in the summer, Farm Kid2 & I planted wildflower seed in his garden. Finally they are blooming.

Ridgetop Farm and Garden | 2016 Update | Week 38